Hair Assessments

Curly Hair Salon - Diagnostic Services

Go beyond curl pattern (2B, 3A, 4C, etc) to determine what makes your hair an Original!


Our Hair Assessments create a complete map of your hair type, while educating and empowering you to understand and embrace your natural texture.


Your Original Moxie Stylist will diagnose your scalp health, hair texture, curl shape, density, curl pattern, moisture level, and porosity and, based on your Hair Type Personality™, assess which products best fit your needs.

Included with any New Client Service or bookable as a stand-alone service, this diagnostic assessment is available exclusively at the Original Moxie Salon or Certified Moxie Pro Salons.


The information we collect is emailed to you in an easy-to-read form and kept on file at our Salon to provide us with a road map for your cutting, styling, and hair care needs.


This is the ideal place to begin your natural hair journey.

Natural hair salon - Diagnostic Services
Curly Hair Salon - Diagnostic Services (2)

Book your Free Hair Assessment Today!

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